Entries by Sarah Kirby

Practice Management In the Virtual Space

Plastic Surgery management in the virtual space


More and more medical practices are making the jump from having full-time employees to those who function both in-office and via virtual office. For some plastic surgery practices, this could look like a practice manager who is in-office 3 days a week and working remotely 2 days a week to focus on admin duties, strategic planning, and business forecasting. For med spas, this might look like having an employee at home to field calls, answer email inquiries, and book follow-up appointments. 


Virtual practice management is not a one-size-fits-all arrangement, and whether it’s a virtual receptionist, triage nurse, or full-time practice manager, giving your team the ability to function in and out of the office produces greater percentages of productivity and efficiency, not to mention employee satisfaction and retention. It also positions your practice to continue to function in the event of unforeseeable staffing issues, inclement weather, and unpredictable pandemics like covid-19. 


Today we’re reviewing ways that Symplast EHR and practice management technology position your practice manager and team to efficiently function offsite so that your practice flow and patient experience remain seamless and personal. 


practice manager working on ipad

remote communication about patient care

It should be mentioned that all communication around patient care should be secured and encrypted. 


Symplast makes it easy to communicate with your patients from anywhere at any time of day. Our secure 2-way communication via HIPAA-compliant Patient App provides a safe space for sharing details on everything from incision sites, prescription dosing, and post-operative care. Your nursing team and office staff are prepared to handle patient questions and concerns from any location, as long as they’ve got our technology set up to do so. Should a patient have an emergent need, virtual telehealth appointments can be arranged in a snap, directly from the Patient App or the patient’s health record on Symplast’s cloud-based application on an Ipad. 


Symplast’s Patient Communication Includes: 


  • Video: video documentation, encrypted video tele-health, and virtual meetings 
  • Pics: treatment plans, medical education, post-procedure pictures, patient concerns 
  • Chat Messaging: 1:1 on-demand communication for anything concerning patient care. 
  • Patient App: centralized hub in the virtual space for your patients to collaborate with you concerning their care; houses their communication and media data as part of their complete medical record. 

Inventory Management

If you were to ask a small business plastic surgery office about their breast implant consignment or medical-grade skincare or even back bar supplies, they’d tell you that inventory management is like a four-letter word for the ones in charge of making sure the numbers are accurate. Tracking minimum and maximum quantities and expiration dates get tricky, and processes for ordering can feel endless. Some cosmetic surgery practices tell us that Inventory ordering takes anywhere from 1-3 days depending on the number of vendors and SKUs. 


Here are some ways Symplast’s Inventory Management can shave time off your processes: 


  • Ensure current inventory levels match ever-changing sales volume. Keep a “virtual eye” on quantities and adjust mins/max order levels so your team doesn’t run out of patient favorites while ensuring surplus stock doesn’t expire. 
  • Virtual inventory makes it easier to focus on reordering products remotely. At the tap of a screen, spot-check sales levels for items that need reordering will save the team time on physically touching and counting every product SKU before placing orders.  
  • Mappable product dosage to treatment records to ensure that injectables like Botox Cosmetic or dermal fillers are properly accounted for and reordered so your cosmetic injectors never run out. 

reporting and dashboards

With time away from the office to focus on clinical practice growth strategies, your practice director can review key performance indicators that matter most to you by setting up fully customized detailed reports and at-a-glance performance dashboards through Symplast 


Symplast also includes our popular User Audit Report, which allows management to drill down to every single activity performed by any practice user, including invoices, surgical estimates, and payment history.  Alleviate worry about inconsistencies in transactions and keep a close eye on your staff and your financials from any location with cellular service and/or wifi. 


The Patient Demographic Report allows you to view closed/won and closed/lost opportunities to identify gaps in sales and training processes. 



As the evolution of technology continues to blur the lines of work-life balance, you can give yourself and your team some flexibility in working remotely or in a hybrid arrangement using the capabilities built into our comprehensive practice management software. Schedule a demo to discover the ways Symplast can evolve your practice team.


Creating A 5-Star Patient Experience

Creating a 5-star patient experience

If you own or operate a plastic surgery or med spa practice, you know the role Google Business Reviews and online reviews in general play in your medical practice. If you’re trying to become known in your local market, gathering 5-star patient reviews will help you rise in the local ranks of Google to appear in more searches for the procedures and services you offerSounds easy enough, right?

The truth is, collecting 5-star reviews from your patients is no easy taskPatient expectations have significantly increased thanks to the rise of social media, paid influencers, and technology use in general. It’s why it’s most important to consider the steps to create a 5-star patient experience so that your patients will want to rave about you, your team, and their results to everyone. 

Woman Leaving 5 star review on her mobile phone

Wow Your Patients

Cultivating a positive patient journey and experience is the most important new patient conversion tool. As more treatments and procedures enter mainstream practice, patients expect a complete package. Medical aesthetics providers must ensure that every aspect of the treatment is designed to provide the best possible outcome for each patient. From the initial consultation through postoperative care, medical aesthetic providers should strive to create an environment that encourages patients to return for follow-ups and repeat visits, while also providing them with the highest quality services available. 

Anticipate YOur New Patients' Needs

When patients visit a practice for the first time, they can be preoccupied with thoughts about their cosmetic consult, the cost of their procedure, recovery timeline, etc. We have outlined some strategies for setting the tone for the patient experience and boosting patient satisfaction scores.  


  1. Serving as their helpful assistant, the plastic surgery team can text directions & parking instructions to minimize arrival friction to the clinic. 

  2. Sending a standardized welcome video with doctor communication to new patients allows them to experience the physician’s bedside manner, easing anxiety about their plastic surgeon for the first time in their plastic surgery consultation.  

  1. Digitalizing the patient intake forms provides patients with time to complete their documents when it’s convenient for them, rather than carving additional time out of their schedule to arrive early to complete paperwork. 

  2. 1:1 text messaging about appointment reminders, patient financing links, and the secure HIPAA-compliant transmission of pictures and video assist in increasing patient and procedure conversion and minimize the time your team spends collecting the information at separate checkpoints in the patient journey 

Collectively, these tips speak volumes about what the patient can expect from you and your team before setting foot in your practice. A seamless new patient encounter also allows your team to focus on greeting, rooming, and delighting patients during their visit to your practice and sets the foundation for a 5-star experience. 

Make Your Team Available and Accessible

Customer service and the integrated use of customer technology will separate the leaders from the rest of the plastic surgery pack. It’s important to evaluate your practice’s use of existing technology as it relates to creating a Five-Star rating for your business. Some questions to ask yourself could include: 


  • Is my staff readily accessible to my patients? 

  • Is my staff responsive to patient requests within a reasonable amount of time? 

  • Does the complete experience in my office make the patients want to return? 

After taking an honest look at your team and tech, it’s time to evaluate strategies for optimizing the experience of care for your patients’ benefit. 

By using a patient-centric platform you empower the patient, moving them from passenger status in their experience to being in the driver’s seat. Technology that offers on-demand scheduling for in-office visits and virtual telehealth consults, HIPAA-secure upload of goal photos, before and after pics, and real-time picture and video chat keeps the conversation going after the consultation and gives your patient a tool to communicate with you when it’s most convenient for them.  


Explore Symplast’s Patient App

Turn Existing Patients into Loyal patients

It’s not uncommon for plastic surgery practices and medical spas to become so focused on new patient acquisition, that they forget to build retention strategies for existing patients. If you’re not convinced that retaining patients is valuable, research performed by Frederich Reichheld (n.d.) shows that increasing patient retention rates increases profits anywhere from 25-95%. It starts with understanding that your existing patients want and need to feel heard. 

Educate and Inform Your Patients

Now more than ever, they expect to receive information about what is happening at your practice. Whether it’s a change in hours, an upcoming appointment, a new product, or a treatment release, they want to know. And they want to know right away. As a result, consistent outreach and follow-up are vital to increasing patient satisfaction and generating referrals. 

Develop Incentives That Cultivate Loyalty To Your Practice

Once you’re keenly aware of the patient experience within your practice, you’ll want to reward your existing patients for continuing to do business with your practice. Creating patient referral programs, patient appreciation incentives, and even happy birthday messages via SMS and email marketing will make your existing patients feel remembered and valued. Take it one step further and evaluate patient purchase history to tailor a custom incentive for a product or service that is new to a particular patient. 

Extend the customer lifecycle with Symplast

Explore the possibilities & Secure more 5-star ratings for your practice

Getting Into the mind of your customer is a great place for your team to start brainstorming ways to elevate patient encounters and move your practice from being appointment-driven to experience-driven and generating more 5-star ratings for your practice. 

Create a 5-star experience using Symplast

Optimize Your Patient Experience & Delight Your Patients With Symplast


Reichheld, F. (n.d.). Prescription for Cutting Costs. Https://Media.Bain.Com/Images/BB_Prescription_cutting_costs.Pdf. Retrieved June 12, 2022, from https://media.bain.com/Images/BB_Prescription_cutting_costs.pdf 

What Are Workflows, and Why Do I Need Them? 

What Are Workflows, and Why Do I Need Them? 

Overloading your practice personnel with daily procedures and repetitive tasks can be a recipe for errors, not to mention job burnout and turnover. It’s a delicate balance between driving your team to continuously work hard to reach business goals, and knowing when it’s time to intervene on behalf of your team, especially when it’s hard to discern if they are being engulfed by job responsibilities and delivering a 5-star patient experience. 

Creating a workflow starts with a simple question: "What's the most efficient way to get the work done?"

The daily redundant tasks that chip away at your team, slowly stealing time away from revenue-producing activities can be simplified and automated, so that your team can refocus their time and attention on improving the patient experience and selling: procedures, treatments, injections, skincare- everything. 

What Is A Workflow? 

A workflow is a process that is created to complete redundant tasks.  In other words, it’s the sequence of tasks and business processes from start to finish. Workflows can be simple or more complex and can involve a single person or your entire team. Originally designed to organize a workforce to use complex machinery, creating a workflow starts with a simple question: “What’s the most efficient way to get the work done?” For most plastic surgery practices, the internal surgical booking process involves a series of repeated steps for each surgical patient, from collecting the patient’s surgical deposit to booking the operating room and anesthesiologist to scheduling pre-op appointments, medical clearance, and procedure consents, and collecting surgical balance. 

Throughout the patient surgical journey, the patient’s chart will pass through many hands at different times, all with the goal of preparing for a positive patient experience and surgical result. In this instance, creating a custom workflow for your practice’s surgical booking processes would reduce the time and manpower needed to ensure tasks are completed by the patient’s surgery date. 

How Can You Simplify A Workflow? 

You might have heard the expression many hands make light work, but workflows built by aesthetic technology ultimately involve fewer hands and lighter work for your team. That’s right. Creating a workflow using a comprehensive and intuitive EHR and practice management tool like Symplast will simplify tasks for your team while seamlessly moving patients through their journey with your practice, from consult to close (booking surgeries and treatments), telehealth visits, and more. 

Symplast Workflows and Platform saves doctors time!

Check Out How Symplast Workflows Help This Doctor Save Time!

“My practice’s ROI has skyrocketed thanks to Symplast. My staff and I work 10x faster now. We’re able to see more patients, expand our services, and be more efficient without working longer hours, which translates into more income for the practice.”

Workflow Software Reduces Margin of Error 

Not only can workflow management software automate a series of tasks, but it also identifies opportunities to optimize your workflow steps and prevent bottle-necking in the entire process so that all steps are completed correctly.  Your custom automations eliminate the hassle and the amount of time your team spends performing manual checks through patient charts and multiple systems to ensure documents like patient intake and photo and procedure consents and other project tasks are completed perfectly.

Tour Symplast's Workflow Features 

Symplast is a comprehensive solution for plastic surgeons and med-spas. Our cloud-based software as a service (SaaS) is built to suit every step of your patients’ journeys, all while supporting your practice with media management, marketing, and practice management features like workflow automation.  We’d love to walk through a comprehensive tour of our platform so that you can discover the Symplast difference.

4 Tips to Keep Your Practice Busy this Summer

4 Tips for Keeping Your Cosmetic Practice Busy During the Summer Months 

Nearly every plastic surgery practice and medspa experiences downtime in the summer. As travel restrictions from Covid-19 continue to lift, people are getting back to making summer travel plans and spending more time outdoors with friends and family. Cosmetic practices are sure to notice changes to their appointment books and possibly a much lighter schedule from June to mid-August. While that can be an unsettling thought for small businesses, we encourage you to make a detailed evaluation of the steps you may or may not be taking to keep your appointment books full and implement these 5 tips to keep your business busy during the summer months.  

You've probably heard the 80/20 rule: 80% of your business will come from 20% of your existing patients. Are you incentivizing your patients to continue to be loyal to you?  

Start A Patient Loyalty Program

You’ve probably heard the 80/20 rule: 80% of your business will come from 20% of your existing patients. Are you incentivizing your patients to continue to be loyal to you?  
What’s keeping your current customers from trying another practice or medspa down the street that’s offering a slightly better Botox deal on Instagram? 
Here’s the good news: We are living in the age of digital. Before HIPPA-compliant digital charting software and encrypted text messaging, starting a patient loyalty program meant excel spreadsheets or buy 5, get 1 free card (you remember these from Subway and Blockbuster?) Technology now exists that enables you to incentivize your patients to keep coming back to you. 
Studies on customer satisfaction report that 54% of consumers say that they would consider doing more business with a company for loyalty rewards.

  • Your electronic medical records and point of sale system keep records of patient treatments and transactions and provide the foundations for what can become a robust patient rewards program. Symplast EMR software includes a Point-of-Sale system to eliminate the headache and integration issues for a seamless experience for plastic surgery and medspa businesses.

Follow Up with Those One-Time Treatment Patients 

Do you have a lengthy list of patients who visited your business one time, only never to return? What is your practice strategy for follow-ups on initial appointments and cosmetic procedures? 
Consider 1-to-1 text and video messaging follow-ups as a standard protocol for new and existing patients. Ask them meaningful questions that show that you’re invested in giving them the best results and experience: 

  • courtesy check and follow up on specific concerns with pics and video 
  • digital copies of post-care and recovery tips
  • product recommendations with links to online POS 
  • gentle appointment and cancellation policy reminders

Utilize your EHR to create custom reports for your one-time patients and their treatment history and prepare a customized offer to woo them back into your cosmetic practice for additional therapies.  
Symplast technology helps you build a relationship with your patients over a secure digital platform.  We do this by providing your team with a HIPAA-compliant video and text messaging capability so that your team can craft unique messaging for individual patients. 

Launch A Patient Referral Program

Bringing in new customers can cost up to 16 times as much as retaining existing customers, but if your existing patients are happy, why not ask for referrals? Word-of-mouth referrals are the strongest type of marketing that an organization can have.  
Give your happy patients a reason to tell others just how wonderful you are and give them an effortless way to do it.

Educate Your Patients 

Providing value for your patients is a win-win. It gives your new and existing customers much-needed education to feel empowered about the products and services you offer while credentialing you as a helpful expert. Drive education about the therapy, address cosmetic trends and debunk myths about plastic surgery procedures.

  • Use email marketing to create educational content. Symplast to pull a report on your services with low revenue generation and procedure inquiries might indicate that your audience needs more information. 
  • Evaluate your low-cost services and offer a compelling monthly special for single and multi-service treatments directly to your patients through Symplast’s Patient App. 

Getting started with these tips will help you and your team think outside of the box on how to use your practice data and technology to attract, interest, convert and delight new and existing patients. 

4 Tips for Preventing Burnout in Your Practice

4 Tips for Preventing Workplace Burnout

Burnout is a condition that occurs when you feel emotionally exhausted and disconnected from your job. You’re unable to perform your job well, and finding the energy to complete even your most daily, repetitive tasks can drain what little energy reserves remain. But what are the causes and signs you can look for to stop workplace burnout before it starts? We’re reviewing the signs of workplace burnout and sharing 4 tips for preventing burnout in your practice.

Doctor experiencing burnout sitting at desk showing stress with their hands on their face

Practices with engaged employees are 78% more profitable and 40% more productive. With support from management and collaboration with your team, your practice can resolve stressors leading to burnout.  

Causes & Signs of Burnout

We live in a society where the lines have blurred between the work day and personal time, and keeping dedicated time to unplug from work is becoming more of a challenge with each passing year. In fact, the most common causes of workplace burnout are work overload, pressure, lack of feedback and support from management, and more. Burnout can lead to emotional and physical withdrawl from work and may manifest in some of the following ways:

• having a negative and critical attitude at work
•  dreading going into work, and wanting to leave once you’re there
• trouble sleeping
• being absent from work
• feelings of mental exhaustion and depression & anxiety
• signs physical exhaustion and frequent illness
• losing your cool with your boss, coworkers, and patients

Prevent Workplace Burnout Before It Starts 

When symptoms of job burnout start to occur, most people bandaid their problems rather than creating strategies to prevent and alleviate the symptoms associated with burnout. We want you to move beyond surviving work to thriving at work. These 4 tips will help you reduce your risk of emotional exhaustion and burnout 

Review Your Job Role and Responsibilities 

Work overload day in and day out can feel as though you’re climbing uphill with no end in sight. Performing a job analysis will help you clarify your role and job responsibilities, so that you can identify tasks and projects that need to be removed from your to-do list and delegated to others. 
Schedule a meeting with your boss or team to review your workload. Bring solutions for shifting certain tasks to other employees, and simplifying practice processes by creating workflows. Together, you can troubleshoot ways to prevent burnout. It might be that you need to hire more help in the office to handle day-to-day tasks.

Create An Organized Work Culture

Creating an organized work culture is probably the most important step that will enable you to leave work at work at the end of the day. Whether at home or in the office, create a familiar and inviting workspace where you can focus on work without any interruptions. Keeping a calendar and other online productivity tools can help you allocate time to focus on deadlines so you don’t get overwhelmed and can pick up where you left off next business day.

Leverage Technology To Do The Work For You 

In some cases, having the right technology in place can help your team work and communicate more efficiently, and prevent you from having to hire more hands, especially when money and resources are tight. Intuitive technology can eliminate the frustration that comes with missing patient charts, prescriptions, and endless “tag, you’re it” communication with patients. Don’t be afraid to ask questions like, “could a patient app eliminate patient miscommunication, treatment errors, and streamline scheduling so that I can focus on other projects?” Rather than running revenue pivot tables in Excel for your boss, consider creating dashboards that show high-level data on Revenue, Profit, and ROI.

Make Time To Have A Fulfilling Personal Life 

With all that you’re responsible for it can be hard to do, but holding yourself accountable for implementing work life balance is essential to avoiding burnout. We recommend you pick a consistent end time to your business day so that you avoid working nights or weekends. Silence your email and text notifications from work, and limit your daily intake of news and social media altogether. When getting started, have a loved one help you keep you unplugged from work and focused on resting and living life by your own design. 

Bring Balance Back to Your Work and Personal Life

Practices with engaged employees are 78% more profitable and 40% more productive. With support from management and collaboration with your tram, your practice can resolve stressors leading to burnout. 

Let Us Help You Beat Burnout 

Tune in as Christy Perry, our Senior Customer Success Liaison with over 30 years in medical aesthetics, reviews her strategies for beating burnout and how Symplast EHR technology helped Dr. Jennifer Walden optimize her practice needs. 

5 Simple Tips for Running a Smooth Workplace

Productivity and Efficiency:
5 Simple Tips for Running
a Smooth Workplace

It is a top question we get from our plastic surgery practices and med spas alike: “What tips do you have for helping my team work smarter, not harder?” And we get it. Every day we listen as our customers share the struggles that a small business must manage, all while trying to keep their employees, make happy patients, and stay profitable. Your business is a small operation, and each team member wears multiple hats. Your boundary lines for work-life balance are completely blurred. And you are tired of plugging holes with no end in sight. 

We have put together workplace productivity tips to help you get back behind the driver’s seat for your business day, so you can focus on building your team and improving your practice! 

Woman sitting in an outdoor cafe using her mobile solution

1. Make Time on Your Schedule

Some research suggests that only around 17% of people can accurately estimate the passage of time. How many times have you walked into your office, settled into your workspace to check emails, only to receive an unexpected patient complaint, or receive a text from a staff member with a family emergency? Unexpected events can quickly take your daily plan from good intentions into full on crisis management mode. Before you know it, the day is over and everything you meant to do is now waiting for you (again) at the start of tomorrow. 

Michael Hyatt said, “What gets scheduled gets done.” Scheduling your daily tasks including team meetings, marketing, budgeting, patient follow ups not only helps you measure and manage your time, but it helps give you peace of mind knowing that you’ve scheduled time for a task in the future. Just remember, once you’ve made a schedule, STICK TO IT!  

We also recommend implementing the 2-minute rule which states: “If a task or action can be done in two minutes or less, do it right away. It actually takes less time than having to go back to the task later.”

Symplast’s scheduling tool is not only easy to use, it keeps you and you team on task with links to your patient notes, billing, and more. It also allows you to approve appointment requests right in the calendar!

2. Brainstorming Sessions with Your Team

Depending on the size of your team and practice, consider scheduling team huddles to devote a dedicated block of time especially for exchanging ideas on topics like product and service bundling, improving the patient experience, and perfecting practice flow. Look for areas that overlap and simplify redundant tasks and paperwork.   

Remove your thought filters as a group and talk through your teams’ ideas. Brainstorming sessions provide many benefits for both you and your team:  

  It supplies a dedicated time and space where your team can be heard.

It gives your team a platform to share their viewpoints in a productive, solutions-oriented way.  

 Enhances team productivity   

It inspires your team to search for ways to make the business better.  

 It allows you the opportunity to think outside of the “manager’s box” with insight from different perspectives of your team.   

Interested in more ways to stay in touch with your team? Symplast provides easy, communication tools for your team and your patients.

3. Leverage Technology

Conserving costs is a big concern when you are running a practice, and no one wants to spend money if they do not have to. But remember: In business, what matters isn’t what you spend now, but how much money you make later. It is worth taking an honest look at technology built to keep your team lean and mean. Oftentimes, creating a system for repetitive tasks (called a workflow) can help your team combine duties and accomplish more without hiring more hands to do it. Another way to leverage technology is to templatize your frequent tasks and notes, and to keep those templates handy so you can use them again and again.  

TerriRossPresentationSlides-01 copy

Terri Ross with APX consulting reviews the importance of investing in
the right technology for your practice. Watch the webcast here!

4. Take Meaningful Measurements

Practice data is all around you, and it is easy to get overwhelmed by managing spreadsheets and calculating ROI statistics. But is the information you are collecting really helping to drive revenue for your practice? Schedule some time to reflect on your business objectives and goal setting for growth. After you have decided on your goals, create custom reports to help you evaluate how well your practice is performing. 

Symplast’s Reporting extends beyond the basics and lets you take a deeper look at your practice to get a true understanding of your retail, overall business, and even patient demographics.

5. Look At Ways to Become More Mobile

Technology that provides instant “anywhere” access to your practice information positions your team for easy pivots when the office manager’s child is ill, or your patient care coordinator’s car breaks down. Beyond that, adopting mobile technology will free you from your workspace, meaning you can leave early to avoid the traffic, do your pre-appointment review anywhere, and lets you stay in-tune and in-touch with all aspects of your practice no matter where you are. Creating a better work/life balance and giving you peace of mind.   

Symplast prides itself on being a true-cloud mobile software, for a deep look on how mobility helped one doctor excel at his practice and his hobbies take a look at THIS Case Study.

Create A More Productive Practice Today

Tim Ferriss said it best, “Focus on being productive instead of busy.” Creating a more productive and efficient workplace is possible with the right strategy and tools. We also love this quote that says, “If the plan doesn’t work, change the plan, but never the goal.” Every practice is different. We hope these workplace productivity tips for aesthetic businesses will inspire you to think of creative ways to build an effective workplace and encourage healthy team productivity. 

Symplast & Auctus: Service First Technology, Managing A Best-In-Class Insurance Billing Process

Symplast & Auctus: Service First Technology, Managing A Best-In-Class Insurance Billing Process

Join Symplast’s Randy Torban and Auctus Group’s John Gwin for an on-demand webinar in which they review the various billing models, industry trends, and how new technology can provide cleaner workflows with quicker payment times. Download Your Webinar Handout Here!

Have A Question?

Symplast & Auctus: Service First Technology, Managing A Best-In-Class Insurance Billing Process

Join Symplast’s Randy Torban and Auctus Group’s John Gwin for an on-demand webinar in which they review the various billing models, industry trends, and how new technology can provide cleaner workflows with quicker payment times. Download Your Webinar Handout Here!

Have A Question?

Symplast and Influx: Where Marketing Ends & EHR Begins

Symplast & Influx: Where Marketing Ends & EHR Begins

Symplast and Influx present a LIVE webinar from the Miami Cosmetic Surgery Conference. Join Symplast’s Senior Practice Analyst, Randy Torban, Influx’s Co-Founder and Chief Strategy Officer, Max Baybak, and Erica Crawford. Topics to include:

• If my EHR has marketing capabilities, do I also need a marketing resource?

• Can my EHR and marketing tools interface? What if they don’t?

• What metrics should be shared between my EHR and Marketing tools?

• Website or Social Media: Where Should I Focus?

• How Do You Build Trust With Patients & Potential Patients In The Digital World? 

Have A Question?

More Symplast Educational Webinars

Join Symplast and Sam Segal, an expert in merchant processing from North American Bancard, for a conversational seminar that will cover the ins and outs of choosing the best credit service company for your plastic surgery practice and medical spa.

Learn what ransomware is and what it means to get hacked. Find out what the most common ways practices fall victim to ransomware and how you can protect yourself, your staff and your practice in the future.

Learn from two industry experts about the importance of website traffic, what website leads really means, and what it takes to move website traffic from a lead to an appointment.

Symplast and North American Bancard: How To Choose The Best Credit Service Company

Symplast & North American Bancard: How To Choose The Best Credit Service Company

Join Symplast and Sam Segal, an expert in merchant processing from North American Bancard, for a conversational seminar that will cover the ins and outs of choosing the best credit service company for your plastic surgery practice and medical spa. Topics to include:

Where’s the catch with flat-rate processing?

Where the money goes through the credit service process and uncovering the process of the fees needed

•How using the right hardware for your practice can improve your patient experience and entire patient workflow. 

PLUS tips, tricks, and things to look out for when choosing a credit service provider.

Have A Question?

More Symplast Educational Webinars

Symplast and Influx present a LIVE webinar from the Miami Cosmetic Surgery Conference. Join Symplast’s Senior Practice Analyst, Randy Torban, Influx’s Co-Founder and Chief Strategy Officer, Max Baybak, and Erica Crawford.

Learn what ransomware is and what it means to get hacked. Find out what the most common ways practices fall victim to ransomware and how you can protect yourself, your staff and your practice in the future.

Join Symplast and BuildMyBod Health for an exciting webinar discussing the value of providing automated, online pricing to your potential patients.

Symplast And BuildMyBod Health: Online Estimates Can Make the Difference in Your Conversion Rate!

Symplast and BuildMyBod Health: Online Estimates Can Make
the Difference in Your Conversion

Join Symplast and BuildMyBod Health for an exciting webinar discussing the value of providing automated, online pricing to your potential patients. Topics to include:

How a Price Estimator and chatbot can free up your front office staff from incessant calls about pricing

Generating leads by using pricing info as the “carrot”

Demo showing how data generated by BuildMyBod Health is “pushed” directly to your Symplast MedicalPRM database

Have A Question?

More Symplast Educational Webinars

Using data-driven milestones at strategic points along the patient conversion funnel will provide plastic surgery practices and medical spas the insight to adapt and optimize their patient journey.

Join Symplast’s Senior Practice Analyst, Randy Torban, and DoctorLogics, John Vakidis, Sales Director as they share their successes, failures, and lessons learned throughout their careers of trying new kinds of engagement and interactive tactics online.

Learn from two industry experts about the importance of website traffic, what website leads really means, and what it takes to move website traffic from a lead to an appointment.

Symplast and AesthetiBot: Convert More Leads, Maximize Marketing ROI

Symplast and AesthetiBot: Convert More Leads, Maximize Marketing ROI

Join Symplast’s Randy Torban and Aestheti.Bot’sDr. Philip Miller as they discuss how to convert more leads and maximize marketing return on investment. Learn from two industry experts about the importance of website traffic, what website leads really means, and what it takes to move website traffic from a lead to an appointment. During this webinar, attendees will also learn how to increase lead captures while viewing a live Aestheti.Bot demo and learn how to manage leads through a live Medical PRM demo and learn how to maximize overall ROI!


Have A Question?

More Symplast Educational Webinars

Symplast Customer Success Manager Greg Hartle provides five telehealth tactics that aesthetic businesses can utilize in order to increase patient satisfaction.

Join Symplast’s Randy Torban and APX by Terri Ross as they discuss the importance of choosing and investing in the right technology for your practice!

This is a first-of-its-kind webinar where patients have a voice, are speaking, and asking for what they want. Five real aesthetic patients, of various ages and demographics, will be conversing about their own unique experiences with software as a service in the aesthetic industry.

Beware of Ransomware: Don’t Fall Victim, Protect Your Practice

Symplast & Influx: Where Marketing Ends & EHR Begins

Join  Symplast’s Izhak Musli and McDonald Hopkin’s Joelle Dvir as they discuss cyber security threats and how to keep your practice safe. Learn what ransomware is and what it means to get hacked. Find out what the most common ways practices fall victim to ransomware and how you can protect yourself, your staff and your practice in the future.

This webinar will also cover:
What to do if your practice gets hacked, how to handle negotiations, ransomware action plan, when do you get a lawyer involved, third party IT responsibility in cyber security, cyber security insurance, and overall best practices to protect your practice, and much more!

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More Symplast Educational Webinars

Join Symplast and FOUR health care specialized lawyers for a live discussion and Q&A all about the 21st Century Cures Act and the impact it will have on your aesthetic business and the future of healthcare.

This is a first-of-its-kind webinar where patients have a voice, are speaking, and asking for what they want. Five real aesthetic patients, of various ages and demographics, will be conversing about their own unique experiences with software as a service in the aesthetic industry.

Join Symplast’s Senior Practice Analyst, Randy Torban, and Chief Revenue Officer, Izhak Musli as they do a live demo. Together they will walk you through the intuitive comprehensive app for Plastic Surgeons and MedSpas.

Live Demo of Symplast: The Comprehensive You’ve Been Missing

Live Demo of Symplast: The Comprehensive Solution You've Been Missing

*Please note that this live demo webinar is from April 2021. Symplast is constantly improving and many of our features have been updated. If you’d like to see a recent demo, please contact our team at hello@symplast.com. 

Join Symplast’s Senior Practice Analyst, Randy Torban, and Chief Revenue Officer, Izhak Musli as they do a live demo. Together they will walk you through the intuitive comprehensive app for Plastic Surgeons and MedSpas. This Demo will highlight some of our newest features and is a must-see for any doctors, nurses, anesthetists, practice managers, and MORE! Talking points to include:

1.     A walk-through of the complete app – hitting on the Practice Management, Electronic Patient Health Records, Patient Communication App, Insurance Claims and Billing, Advanced KPI Analytical Dashboard, and Comprehensive Media Gallery.

2.    Example use cases of how the app can help your entire practice or medical spa in its everyday functions.

3.    A special look at the analytics part of the all-in-one solution and how those analytics can help you grow your practice.

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More Symplast Educational Webinars

This is a first-of-its-kind webinar where patients have a voice, are speaking, and asking for what they want. Five real aesthetic patients, of various ages and demographics, will be conversing about their own unique experiences with software as a service in the aesthetic industry.

Learn what ransomware is and what it means to get hacked. Find out what the most common ways practices fall victim to ransomware and how you can protect yourself, your staff and your practice in the future.

Symplast’s Greg Hartle will be breaking down the “Cycle of Trust” and what is required at each stage to successfully gain the loyalty of each patient. Learn the purpose of each stage, how to introduce it to your patients, what tools to use, and tips to implement throughout the journey.

Symplast Law Talk: How The Cures Act Will Impact The Aesthetic Industry

Law Talk: How The Cures Act Will Impact The Aesthetic Industry

Join Symplast for “Law Talk: How The Cures Act Will Impact The Aesthetic Industry”. We will host health care specialist law professionals Marco Beatrice from The Aesthetic Mentor, Emily Johnson from McDonald Hopkins, and Bala Mohan and Samuel Pondrom from ByrdAdatto. Together we will discuss the 21st Century CURES Act, a law that is designed to help accelerate medical product development and bring new innovations and advances to patients who need them faster and more efficiently. This webinar will be moderated by Symplast’s Senior Practice Analyst, Randy Torban

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More Symplast Educational Webinars

Remove, Replace, Resize, Reconsider, Relift, or Redo? Join plastic surgeons Shashi Kusuma M.D. from Suria Plastic Surgery and Tim Sayed M.D. from SayedMD as they discuss the different options, procedures, and best practices for your implants.

Learn what ransomware is and what it means to get hacked. Find out what the most common ways practices fall victim to ransomware and how you can protect yourself, your staff and your practice in the future.

Join this virtual event featuring a panel of Aesthetic Practice Managers from around the country as they discuss life after COVID, trends and observations that every Office Administrator should be aware of, and tips for adjusting to the “new normal” in aesthetics. Register now for this interactive session hosted by Symplast.

The Importance of Investing in the Right Technology for Your Practice

The Importance of Investing in the Right Technology for Your Practice

Join Symplast’s Randy Torban and APX by Terri Ross as they discuss the importance of choosing and investing in the right technology for your practice!

Symplast is the comprehenaive, cross-platform, cloud-based solution for managing your entire practice. From intuitive EHR, to a patient app, to marketing, and more, Symplast has you covered.

APX by Terri Ross:
The Aesthetic Practice Accelerator (APX) consists of 5 core components all focused on solution-based training, business management, and analytics that will keep a pulse on the most critical elements of your growing practice.

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More Symplast Educational Webinars

Join Symplast and Sam Segal, an expert in merchant processing from North American Bancard, for a conversational seminar that will cover the ins and outs of choosing the best credit service company for your plastic surgery practice and medical spa.

Learn what ransomware is and what it means to get hacked. Find out what the most common ways practices fall victim to ransomware and how you can protect yourself, your staff and your practice in the future.

Join Symplast and BuildMyBod Health for an exciting webinar discussing the value of providing automated, online pricing to your potential patients.

Symplast Educational Webinar Series Presents: Symplast P2P Secure Messaging

Symplast Educational Webinar Series Presents:
Symplast P2P Secure Messaging

Join Dr. Shashi Kusuma as he moderates a panel of Plastic Surgeons including Dr. Tim Sayed, Dr. Adam Schaffner, and Dr. Nirav Savalia. Learn all about how Symplast allows for different practices to communicate with each other with the Symplast P2P Secure Messaging feature.

Webinar attendees will:
• See a live demo of Symplast P2P Secure Messaging

• Learn the benefits of Symplast P2P Secure Messaging

• How Symplast P2P Secure Messaging will help you collaborate even better with colleagues

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More Symplast Educational Webinars

Join Dr. Shashi Kusuma as he moderates a panel of Plastic Surgeons including Dr. Joseph Russo, Dr. Dean Jabs and Dr. Paul Ruff. Learn facts, myths and realities about fat grafting and fillers directly from credible surgeons.

This is a first-of-its-kind webinar where patients have a voice, are speaking, and asking for what they want. Five real aesthetic patients, of various ages and demographics, will be conversing about their own unique experiences with software as a service in the aesthetic industry.

Cloud-based communication tools for both external (to patients) and internal (to staff) have always been a modern and efficient option for small businesses. With increased health concerns becoming part of our daily lives, implementing communication tools that can be accessed from outside your practice helps keep businesses running smoothly while keeping employees and patients healthy.

Symplast Physician Educational Webinar: Fat Grafting vs. Fillers

Symplast Physician Educational Webinar: Fat Grafting vs. Fillers

Join Dr. Shashi Kusuma as he moderates a panel of Plastic Surgeons including Dr. Joseph Russo, Dr. Dean Jabs and Dr. Paul Ruff. Learn facts, myths and realities about fat grafting and fillers directly from credible surgeons.

Webinar attendees will learn:
• Advantages of fat grafting
• Advantages of fillers
• When to choose fat grafting vs fillers
• Best Practices
• New technologies in fat grafting and fillers

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More Symplast Educational Webinars

The “Meeting of the Minds” is a live, interactive panel discussion that involves 4 of the top doctors in the aesthetic industry. Learn how these 4 leaders from the aesthetic industry are re-aligning their practices post-COVID-19, preparing for re-opening and recovery, addressing patient safety, and more.

Dr. Shashi Kusuma will be moderating a panel of plastic surgeons from around the country. Dr. Dean Jabs, Dr. John Taylor, and Dr. Adam Schaffner will join together to discuss their new standards of operation, post op-care, and lessons they’ve learned while navigating through Covid-19 times.

Watch this virtual event featuring a panel of Aesthetic Practice Managers from around the country as they discuss life after COVID, trends and observations that every Office Administrator should be aware of, and tips for adjusting to the “new normal” in aesthetics.

Patient Perspective Webinar

Our First Ever Patient Perspective Webinar

This is a first-of-its-kind webinar where patients have a voice, are speaking, and asking for what they want. Five real aesthetic patients, of various ages and demographics, will be conversing about their own unique experiences with software as a service in the aesthetic industry.

Moderated by Symplast founder, Dr. Shashi Kusuma, webinar attendees will hear patients give their honest opinions on the following:

• Discussing the advantages and disadvantages of a Patient App vs. Patient Portal
• The process of a patient choosing you vs. your competitor
• What services and experiences are improved by using modern technology?
• The overall impact a patient-specific app can have on the patient experience and journey
• What services will a patient pay more for?

Have A Question?

More Symplast Educational Webinars

Watch this virtual event featuring a panel of Aesthetic Practice Managers from around the country as they discuss life after COVID, trends and observations that every Office Administrator should be aware of, and tips for adjusting to the “new normal” in aesthetics.

Symplast Customer Success Manager Greg Hartle provides five telehealth tactics that aesthetic businesses can utilize in order to increase patient satisfaction.

Presenting during ASPS The Meeting, the Symplast team reviewed what today’s aesthetic patient expects – from before they make an appointment, to after they’ve checked out – and how our solutions can help you exceed those expectations.

Anesthesia And Office Based Surgery In Times Of Covid

Anesthesia and Office Based Surgery in Times of Covid

This webinar will dive into all of the safety protocols and precautions to perform safe plastic surgery procedures during the ongoing pandemic.

Dr. Shashi Kusuma will be moderating a panel of plastic surgeons from around the country. Dr. Dean Jabs, Dr. John Taylor, and Dr. Adam Schaffner will join together to discuss their new standards of operation, post op-care, and lessons they’ve learned while navigating through Covid-19 times.

Webinar attendees will learn:
•New Anesthesia protocols
•Tips and lessons learned along the way
•How to be successful while navigating through unprecedented times

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More Symplast Educational Webinars

Remove, Replace, Resize, Reconsider, Relift, Redo? Join plastic surgeons Shashi Kusuma M.D. from Suria Plastic Surgery and
Tim Sayed M.D. from SayedMD as they discuss the different options, procedures, and best practices for your implants.

Plastic surgeons and medical spas need to adapt to the “new normal” that is required for marketing and lead generation to aesthetic patients.

Learn from two industry experts about the importance of website traffic, what website leads really means, and what it takes to move website traffic from a lead to an appointment.

Symplast and DoctorLogic: From Prospect to Patient

Symplast & DoctorLogic: From Prospect to Patient - How to Acquire and Convert More Leads by Better Understanding the Patient Journey

DoctorLogic, the #1 Patient Acquisition Platform, has teamed up with Symplast, the #1 Mobile EHR / Practice Mgmt Platform to bring Plastic Surgeons & Medical Spas valuable information and new insights on how to move patients down the purchase funnel. We will breakdown the powerful tools and strategies needed to garner new and reoccurring patients for your practice.

Join Symplast’s Senior Practice Analyst, Randy Torban, and DoctorLogics, John Vakidis, Sales Director as they share their successes, failures, and lessons learned throughout their careers of trying new kinds of engagement and interactive tactics online.

Webinar attendees will learn:
•The Traditional and Modern Patient Acquisition Funnel
•The Patient Journey through each step
•The Retention Cycle
•Tips, Tricks, and Tests to do along the way

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More Symplast Educational Webinars

Within the first 30 seconds of an initial phone call, a patient will make the important decision of whether to proceed with your practice or to look elsewhere.
We will be reviewing mystery shop calls on this webinar to get a barometer on the experience most practices are providing for new prospective patients.

As aesthetic business owners look ahead to re-opening the doors to their practice, it is critical to update the sales process that your business used to adhere to. Using data-driven milestones at strategic points along the patient conversion funnel will provide plastic surgery practices and medical spas the insight to adapt and optimize their patient journey.

What are the 3 layers of efficiency, and are you taking advantage of them for your clinical workflows? Learn the secret to increasing your productivity and efficiency in your clinical workflows when using your iPad.

What Do I Do About My Implants?

What Do I Do About My Implants? Remove, Replace, Resize, Reconsider, Relift, Redo?

Join plastic surgeons Shashi Kusuma M.D. from Suria Plastic Surgery and
Tim Sayed M.D. from SayedMD as they discuss the different options, procedures, and best practices for your implants.

Dr. Kusuma and Dr. Sayed will share their successes, failures, and lessons learned throughout their career when trying new kinds of procedures and modern tactics for surgery.

Have A Question?

More Symplast Educational Webinars

Join Dr. Shashi Kusuma as he moderates a panel of Plastic Surgeons including Dr. Joseph Russo, Dr. Dean Jabs and Dr. Paul Ruff. Learn facts, myths and realities about fat grafting and fillers directly from credible surgeons.

Join plastic surgeon Dr. Johnny Franco as he shares 3 social media tips that every aesthetic business should be embracing right now. Well-known for his highly successful Instagram presence, the “King of BBLs” provides honest, practical advice on how to adjust to the COVID-19 pandemic and differentiate your brand through your various social media platforms.

Join Dr. Shashi Kusuma as he moderates a panel of Plastic Surgeons including Dr. Tim Sayed, Dr. Adam Schaffner, and Dr. Nirav Savalia. Learn all about how Symplast allows for different practices to communicate with each other with the Symplast P2P Secure Messaging feature.



The Better Your Patient Workflow, The Better Their Customer Experience

The Better Your Patient Workflow, The Better Your Customer Experience

Presenting during ASPS The Meeting, the Symplast team reviewed what today’s aesthetic patient expects – from before they make an appointment, to after they’ve checked out – and how our solutions can help you exceed those expectations.

During the demonstration portion, (see the video insert), patient empowerment was highlighted through the Symplast Patient Mobile App, which provides providers/patients with a 2-way, HIPAA-compliant messaging channel in order to:

• Send and receive messages (without providing a personal phone number)

• Share before/after photos

• Provide virtual consultations and follow-ups

• Send documents, instructions, and forms

• Manage purchases – packages, invoices, gift cards, etc

• Provide promotions and loyalty offers

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More Symplast Educational Webinars

 Taking advantage of technology, you can inform, educate, console, and counsel. You can let patients know they are making the right decisions to come to you for care. The most effective way to do these things is with video. Whether you are reluctant, just starting, or a seasoned pro, this three-part webinar will offer practical tips you can immediately use to gain a measure of control amidst a sea of uncertainty.

Stay Open and Serve Your Patients During COVID-19 Pandemic From Anywhere in The World. As aesthetic businesses across the nation close the doors to their physical locations, a group of forward-thinking plastic surgeons are adapting to the new landscape and leveraging telehealth to proactively maintain remote touchpoints with their patients. Avoid the costly mistake of shutting down your entire business, or relegating all inbound sales inquiries to an outsourced call center.

Webinar viewers will learn:
• How to meet or exceed modern patient expectations while simultaneously reducing the administrative burden on staff
• 5 Ways to Automate Patient Communication
• The benefit of all of these features
• Tips and lessons learned along the way
• How to define “success” or “failure” for every new digital venture


Modern Communication Strategies for a Modern Practice

Modern Communication Straegies For A Modern Practice

Webinar viewers will learn:
• How to meet or exceed modern patient expectations while simultaneously reducing the administrative burden on staff
• 5 Ways to Automate Patient Communication
• The benefit of all of these features
• Tips and lessons learned along the way
• How to define “success” or “failure” for every new digital venture

Have A Question?

More Symplast Educational Webinars

DoctorLogic, the #1 Patient Acquisition Platform, has teamed up with Symplast, the #1 Mobile EHR / Practice Mgmt Platform to bring Plastic Surgeons & Medical Spas valuable information and new insights on how to move patients down the purchase funnel.

Learn what ransomware is and what it means to get hacked. Find out what the most common ways practices fall victim to ransomware and how you can protect yourself, your staff and your practice in the future.

Learn from two industry experts about the importance of website traffic, what website leads really means, and what it takes to move website traffic from a lead to an appointment.

Building Patient Loyalty

Building Patient Loyalty

Greg will be breaking down the “Cycle of Trust” and what is required at each stage to successfully gain the loyalty of each patient. Learn the purpose of each stage, how to introduce it to your patients, what tools to use, and tips to implement throughout the journey.

Acquiring new patients online can be a challenge, but your Aesthetic Practice’s long-term success depends on more than just getting new patients through the door. If you’d like to know how to increase patient loyalty and patient retention at your Aesthetic Practice, then this webinar is for you!

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More Symplast Educational Webinars

Symplast Customer Success Manager Greg Hartle provides five telehealth tactics that aesthetic businesses can utilize in order to increase patient satisfaction.

Join plastic surgeon Dr. Johnny Franco as he shares 3 social media tips that every aesthetic business should be embracing right now. Well-known for his highly successful Instagram presence, the “King of BBLs” provides honest, practical advice on how to adjust to the COVID-19 pandemic and differentiate your brand through your various social media platforms.

Join us for this free educational webinar presented by Symplast. The catalyst for driving practice optimization is the person & people behind the business. Aesthetic businesses often fail simply because the team is not aligned or engaged with the vision of the practice.

Breakthroughs in Aesthetic Practice Software: Unveiling of Symplast 2.0

Break-Throughs In Aesthetic Software: Unveiling of Symplast 2.0

Top industry leaders and plastic surgeons will also participate and discuss the impact the new breakthroughs and new Symplast 2.0 will have on the aesthetic industry, including:
  • Terri Ross – CEO, Terri Ross Consulting
  • John Gwin – CEO, The Auctus Group Consulting
  • Barry DiBernardo, M.D. – Plastic Surgeon
  • Renato Saltz, M.D. – Plastic Surgeon
  • Tim Sayed, M.D. – Plastic Surgeon
  • Robert Whitfield, M.D. – Plastic Surgeon

Have A Question?

More Symplast Educational Webinars

Join Symplast’s Senior Practice Analyst, Randy Torban, and Chief Revenue Officer, Izhak Musli as they do a live demo. Together they will walk you through the intuitive comprehensive app for Plastic Surgeons and MedSpas.

Join Symplast’s Randy Torban and APX by Terri Ross as they discuss the importance of choosing and investing in the right technology for your practice!

Learn how these 4 leaders from the aesthetic industry are re-aligning their practices post-COVID-19, preparing for re-opening and recovery, addressing patient safety, and more.